Psalm Two Essay

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This paper will discuss the interpretation of Psalm two. This paper will concentrate more about the literary structure of Psalm two and the relation between the imagery and the central message of Psalm two. Psalm two is the second Psalm in the Bible. The big picture that the author wants to visualize through Psalm two was about the coming of the messianic rule of Christ. This Psalm gives the reader a portray of Jesus Christ as the undisputed sovereign King over the heaven and earth. The Literary’s Structure of Psalm Two Psalm two consists of four stanzas with three verses for each stanza. The structuring of this Psalm made by combining many bicola and some of the tricola lines. Using the verse system, the breakdown of the stanzas would be; The first stanza (2:1-3) opens with the rage of the nations, followed by the second stanza (2:4-6) about the feedback from God to the rebellious act of the nations, the third stanza (2:7-9) describes the supreme of the anointed one, and the last stanza (2:10-12) ends with the warning to the kings of the earth. According to the Hebrew poetic device of parallelism, the Psalmist uses the similar parallelism to write this psalm where there are some words that have a synonymous meanings, like the word “conspire” and “plot” (2:1), or the word “ break …show more content…

The example of the progressive parallelism found in the last verse of Psalm two, where it says “kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him (2:12).” The third line completes the thoughts of the first and the second line of the stanza. In other words, there is a progression to show what the author really means. There is also some imagery that the author uses to give concrete images to the reader throughout the passage. The most explicit one is the word “laugh”

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