Protect Your Vehicle Research Paper

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Nothing can damage your vehicle inside and out more than a harsh Indiana winter. Therefore, you must do everything in your power to protect your investment; otherwise, it will lose its value. But what can you do to help protect your vehicle from the elements?
Here are four things you can do to prepare and protect your vehicle for the harsh winter ahead.
1. Check Your Engine Coolant
Engine coolant or antifreeze is the first thing you need to check before the winter rolls around. Antifreeze will keep your engine from freezing when the temperatures drop. You can buy a kit from your favorite auto parts store that will tell you if you have the proper amount of coolant mix to keep your engine from freezing.
2. Change Out Your Windshield Wiper Fluid …show more content…

Switch to Winter Oil
The colder it gets, the thinner you will want your motor oil to be. The viscosity of your engine's oil should be lower in the winter. The first number in the oil specification is the number that indicates the viscosity of that oil and the lower the number the better when it comes to winter use.
4. Apply an Opti-Coat Coating to Your Vehicle
The snow, ice, dirt, rocks, salt and other debris will quickly damage your vehicle's exterior and could do so in just one bad bout of winter. It freezes, the city treats the roads with sand and salt. You then drive on those roads and your vehicle is constantly pelted with what is basically a salty, sandpaper like substance moving at a high rate of speed which will cause damage to your vehicle's surface. Then another storm comes along and the same thing happens all over again.
The only way to prevent damaging your vehicle's surface is to have an Opti-Coat coating applied. What will this do for you?
• Opti-Coat is 100 times thicker than wax and bonds permanently to the factory coating. This will protect your vehicle's surface and it won't delaminate over time.
• An Opti-Coat will absorb the environmental damage sustained from harsh winters and other acidic environmental substances that typically damage a vehicle's surface, unlike the factory

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