Prostitution In Los Angeles

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Daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers, seek shelter from the busy streets of Los Angeles, unaware of what dangers may come their way. In Los angeles alone over 55,000 people reside on the streets, with no resources, fearing for their lives. Out of this number 31% are women. This leaves risks of rape, murder, assault, the possibilities are endless. This population of women has risen 33% in the last few years. They can't afford shelter, or to maintain an adequate lifestyle just for survival, especially those who bear children. This leaves a bigger question of how and when did women begin becoming homeless and what is the reason? It all began in 1870 after the transcontinental railroad, Los Angeles experienced a 350 percent increase in …show more content…

Many women between the ages of 15-30, migrated to los angeles, most to begin a new life. This created an issue for Los Angeles resulting in the founding of the Young Women's Christian Association, or the YMCA this gave women housing at a low cost. They had strict rules and a tight curfew that must be followed in order to board there. As women searched for ways to make money and create a living, prostitution began. Allowing them to acquire money and be able to afford necessities, providing for themselves. Oddly enough, prostitution benefited Los angeles from 1920-1960 as female homelessness was at an all time low. Consequently, following Deinstitutionalization, the release of mental patients in asylums occured, women homelessness rose rapidly. Many figured homelessness was mainly a male issue, women began appearing on the streets with nowhere to go or turn too. Homeless shelters did not

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