Pros And Cons Of Universal Health Care

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On behalf of all Americans, I urge you to create universal health care. Some Americans are in pain every day because they can not afford health care. You might not understand this struggle because you can afford health insurance. However, propose you or someone you loved did not have insurance? Most of the economically middle and lower-class families do not have access to health care. There is private insurance but it is usually very expensive! For that reason, these citizens are going through life in pain or with a life-threatening disease because do not have insurance. It is inhumane to let people, especially children, live in misery because they do not have enough money. The United States should have a universal health care system which is paid for by everyone through taxes. …show more content…

However, it is more common than people would like to believe. Alarmingly, the National Center for Health Statistics found in a survey that approximately 28 million Americans, under the age of 65, do not have insurance. Do you know how many Canadians go without health care: 0 because they have universal health care. Canada proves that universal health care is achievable. Actually, Meritage Medical Network stated that “America is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not have universal health care system”. So, why does America not have universal health care? A potential reason is that citizens do not want to pay more in taxes so that everyone can have insurance. Some citizens convince themselves that it is acceptable that not everyone has health care because they do not see the pain that these people go

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