Pros And Cons Of Tracking Belong In American Schools?

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Does the Tracking belong in American Schools?
I. A History of Tracking
The purpose for America’s public education system is something that has been widely debated. Many believe that the overarching goal of the American education system is to acquire intellectual knowledge first and foremost, which arises arguments over creating a system that all students are able to succeed in. Most Americans can agree that the purpose of public education in the United States is to provide all students an opportunity to learn and to turn out productive members of society ready to compete in a global economy (Noddings, 2015). The issue that sprouts from this common goal is where each student’s place in this system is.
“Tracking” as we know it began as a response …show more content…

Opponents of Tracking
Though tracking may have some benefits, there are many drawbacks to consider. Many believe that tracking fails to benefit the student and encourages an even larger system of inequity within minority students, widening the achievement gap. Many teachers, parents and organizations discourage the use of tracking for placement. The National Education Association supports the elimination of such groupings. NEA believes that the use of discriminatory academic tracking based on economic status, ethnicity, race, or gender must be eliminated in all public school settings (NEA Resolutions B-16, 1998, 2005).
Anne Wheelock, author of Crossing the Tracks: How "Untracking" Can Save America's Schools (New Press, 1992), believes that tracking is not a neutral or benign process – and that it is even harmful to students. She argues that tracking provides a narrow view of intelligence, that the students are forced to take on labels (i.e. high vs low, fast vs slow), and that once students are tracked, they generally stay at that level throughout their entire career – thus widening the achievement gap (Bozzone & Wheelock). Wheelock points out that she understands that there are some advantages to homogenous grouping in certain subjects like reading, but that these should be temporary groupings versus the tracking that would follow those …show more content…

I really think that tracking in a broad sense can be a helpful thing. When kids are younger, it benefits them to have interventions and be with similar level peers in specific areas to prevent and combat academic gaps – specifically in math and reading. As kids go throughout school, I truly believe that each child should be exposed to the same curriculum and pushed to his or her best limit. Every person is an individual and has different strengths and interests. There are many scenarios where flexible grouping and inclusion are very

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