Pros And Cons Of Substance Dependence

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Substance dependence also known as addiction is not a new issue in Australia or in the world. About 230 millions people of the world population are predicted to have used an illicit drug at least once in 2010.1 Meanwhile, in Australia, 15 % of Australian age 14 years and above had at some times used cannabis. 2 In 1964, WHO Expert Committee had changed the term “addiction” to “dependence”. The term can be used with reference to wide range of psychoactive drugs or to particular drug groups. 3 Dependence is described as physical or physiological dependence or both. Physical dependence basically means a physiological state characterized by development of tolerance to drugs or alcohol use and occurrence of a withdrawal effect during persistent …show more content…

Studies suggest that substance abuse in health professionals is closely related to job related stress.5 This is because the workloads as a physician are many times more then a student. Apart from heavy workload, other factors such as pressure from senior doctors, lack of rest, financial and relationship problems may also contribute to depression amongst health professionals. Due to easy access to prescription drugs, medical professionals tend to end up taking drugs to overcome this matter. Substance misuse by physician may result in physician impairment. Physician impairment signified a condition in which physician are unable to execute responsibilities as medical professionals due to various health troubles. 5 Physician impairment can hugely affect patient outcomes and the physicians themself in terms of their carrier, relationship and financial. In addition, it will give a negative impact to the other health professionals. It will give a wrong idea to the public and indirectly bridge the trust between the society and the health sector as a …show more content…

Nevertheless, I am lucky to be born and raised in a family that is really supportive and very concerned about me. Instead of taking pills or getting drunks whenever I face a difficulty, I will talk and share with them especially my parents. Up upon today I am really grateful to have never involved in substance dependence or misuse. Never in my whole life I would imagine myself being dependence on drugs or alcohol. Since, I believed people around me would be deeply affected by my behavior. They will surely be ashamed and feel betrayed by my action thus, I would try my best not to disappoint them. Various parties have their respective views on substance abuse. Although I am against substance dependence but its does not mean I hate those involved with it. Like wise saying goes, hate the sin but not the sinner. I realize that anyone can be addicted to drugs or alcohol. Therefore as a future physician I need to pay attention whenever asking a patient about drugs and alcohol. I should not take things for granted about this issue even though I come from different background where drinks alcohol and taking excessive drugs are prohibited. Never ever have a stigma and discrimination for people who have this problems. Instead, guide them to seek for help and

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