Pros And Cons Of State Intervention

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Up until this point, this paper has discussed a particular instance in which State Intervention in the economy exerted negative outcomes on industrialization. Henceforth, this paper will now look at the circumstances in which State Intervention can wield beneficial outcomes on industrialization for a developing country. The Neopatrimonial State, which sits on one end of the spectrum in terms of the effectiveness of State Intervention, means that the Cohesive Capitalist State is typically the polar opposite and in turn, can experience positive results from State Intervention.
As described by Kohli, Cohesive Capitalist States are economist states that penetrate deep into society by “prioritize[ing] rapid industrialization as a national goal” …show more content…

As noted in the previous paragraph, when considering industrialization, State Intervention in the economy can create positive results when there is a State capable of doing so, like in the case of a Cohesive Capitalist State. However, in terms of social justice and the impact on the population’s quality of life, State Intervention cannot be the most apparent answer to the question of ‘how does a State increase its industrialization’. In a Neopatrimonial State, essentially all State Intervention is unable to contribute to long-term and sustainable economic development. The poorly structured bureaucracy, corrupt and personalistic leaders, and absence of a cohesive national goal, all ensure that the general population does not experience any positive benefits invested in the economy. In the case of a Cohesive Capitalist State, because the government needs to ensure that the entire population stands squarely behind its national goal, it will frequently employ repressive tactics. To do this, Cohesive Capitalist States systematically discipline and restrict the labor force through brutal and repressive measures, inevitably creating an obedient labor force that is willing to work in poor conditions for little to no pay. When taking into account the quality of life that citizens are forced to endure in a Cohesive Capitalist State, it becomes much more difficult to suggest State Intervention as a completely worthwhile and beneficial endeavor. Because of this point, a serious consideration between the human rights violations and the positive benefits resulting from economic growth is needed before a definitive conclusion can be made on behalf of State Intervention as it affects everything, not just relation to

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