Pros And Cons Of Sagging Pants

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2014 Saggy Pants Sagging is a popular trend all over the world, it is not a trend that is specific to a location. Sagging is when people, mostly men, sag their pants below their waist exposing their underwear. Some people think that this is an offensive fashion due to the origination and some people considered the clothing style public indecency. Many public officials around the world are trying to outlaw the saggy pants fashion. Even thought some may not paticulary like the fashion, sagging your pants should not be categorized as indecent exposure or considered illegal activity. The Editorial: Wildwood Pants Patrol: Don’t Let Them Down, out of the Philadelphia Inquirer says, “Dress is after all, an important form of personal expression. …show more content…

Obama if he supported ordinances to ban sagging pants, a style inspired by hip-hop artists. “Here is my attitude,” Mr. Obama replied. “I think people passing a law against people wearing sagging pants is a waste of time. We should be focused on creating jobs, improving our schools, health care, dealing with the war in Iraq, and anybody, any public official, that is worrying about sagging pants probably needs to spend some time focusing on the real problems out there.”(Falcone 1) It is a waste of resources for the lawmakers to spend so much time trying to outlaw saggy pants when there are bigger issues that they could be investing time in. All generations have clothing fads and what people choose to wear is protected by the first amendment. As explained in KLFY News, Majorie Esman commented on the fact that passing ordinances that make sagging a crime punishable by law is targeting minorities. Esman also states that she does not feel like it is public indecency to sag and that the government would greatly benefit from focusing on other issues at hand. The article ends with the statement: “Let young people be young people. This too shall pass. Every generation has clothing that their elders don’t like and that’s just the way it is.” (Ford

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