Pros And Cons Of Probation

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It is with regret that we must inform you that you are being placed on probation effective immediately. In accordance with Section 2.12 of the L.S. Caldwell & Associates, Inc. (LSC) Personnel Manual DISCIPLINARY POLICY AND DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS, the purpose of this notification is to inform you unsatisfactory work performance and encourage you correct your actions and to achieve satisfactory work performance. Information regarding the reasons for probation, the implications of this status, mechanisms for you to return to good standing, consequences of failure to remediate, and your responsibilities and rights, are detailed below. 1. Reasons for probation: • Insubordination, including but not limited to, the lack of responsiveness to Executive Management’s …show more content…

site workers’ complaints regarding late of appropriate classifications and/or compensation) 2. Implications of probation: As illustrated in Section 2.10.2 in the LSC Personnel Manual, LSC, at its discretion, may use a series of disciplinary actions, corrective in nature, to provide employees the opportunity to improve job performance and comply with LSC policies and/or procedures and expectations of satisfactory job performance. As you are aware, probation is a serious adverse status in employment and in the absence of corrections in your performance your position in the firm may be terminated. Your probation carries the following consequences: • An evaluation period of 90-days • You will be required to draft a corrective action plan within 3 business days from receipt of this notification. • You will be required to meet with your immediate supervisor for a probationary status check every 30 days. During such checks your performance will be evaluated and discussed to measure the aforementioned deficiencies. The results of such check-ins will be communicated to LSC Executive

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