Pros And Cons Of Napoleon Bonaparte

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Numerous leaders throughout the history of Europe have received the prestigious title of the “Great” due to their remarkable capabilities as ruler. After the French Revolution, France was left with an inefficient government, known as the Directory, that was in need of a “Great”. Napoleon Bonaparte, an intelligent military leader, took charge with his coup d'etat and established the consulate. As a result of his position as First Consul, Bonaparte was able to rise to power and become the emperor of France. While Emperor and First Consul, Napoleon executed many beneficial governmental reforms in order to restore France to its former glory as a world power. However, despite his impressive political and military actions, it is commonly debated whether or not Napoleon deserves the title the “Great”. As a product of the age of enlightenment and French …show more content…

Napoleon took the initiative to ameliorate France’s governmental issues left over from the revolution and the Directory. It clarified the boundaries of the Consulate as well as informed society of what the government was permitted to do. This new constitution was voted on by the public to ensure that it was accepted in order to prevent another revolution against the government. The constitution was also, “founded on the true principles of representative government, on the sacred rights of property, equality, and liberty. The powers which it institutes will be strong and stable, as they must be in order to guarantee the rights of citizens and the interests of the State.” Not only did the new constitution assert the privileges of the government, but it protected the citizens rights. By preserving the rights of the government and the people, Napoleon created an authoritative government that had the support of its people. To further reform the government, Napoleon wrote the Napoleonic Code to codify the laws of

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