Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Driving Age Of Age Essay

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Many people like to debate what age is appropriate for driving and if it is for the best to start young or later? What do you think and why do you believe that this? Driving is a big responsibility for anyone who is driving regardless of their age. Driving teaches responsibility. The more practice we develop, the safer we can be out on the road. Many young people are already out seeking jobs and rely on their parents for transportation which can be difficult due to work schedules conflicting or sports schedules too. Drivers who wait longer to get their license at the age of 21 are less experienced and independent than those at 16 or even 18 years of age. While driving is dangerous, it also can is good for those who need it. It is not the car that causes the accidents it is the person who is behind the wheel choosing to be safe. …show more content…

There are rules in place that people need to respect and follow. Regardless of age, there are accidents at all age levels. Seniors are dangerous due to health issues, medications, and even eyesight but elders are allowed to drive anyway. A good example is my sister who is in her early twenties and lacks the responsibility needed for safe driving, but I am a younger driver who is safer. Why? This can go with maturity. Age is a number but how we approach situations and handle them is what makes the differences in safe

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