Pros And Cons Of Lgbtq Families

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As growing up, I was taught marriage in my cultures is between two opposite sex for reproduction and also because of love. As a heterosexual person, I realized that the LGBTQ communities who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer are oppressed by the society's norm, which puts me at advantage. In the American society, the normalcy nuclear family is structured as husband, wife, and children. In my family, my father loves my mother and they raise two children together. This phenomenon from generation to generation had granted heterosexual people unearned privileges while targeting the LGBTQ community with biases due to lack of knowledge. Heterosexual people are granted with unearned privileges - without verbally violated. As a heterosexual …show more content…

For instance, people do not assume that I know all the other heterosexuals just because they are heterosexual. Considering the assumptions that were passed down, it had invisibly created a burden for the LGBTQ communities - oppressed by the members of society. Furthermore, as a heterosexual person, I have a greater dating pool which places me at advantages of having more options to pick my partners. Relatively, I can publicly display my affection to my loved one without fear of harassment. By that people always like to be surrounded with others alike, no one wants to be in a degrading, humiliating and hostile environment. Similarly, I can raise children without my children having to be worried about which friends might reject them because of their parent's sexual orientation. I do not have to prepare my children for the people who may treat them badly because of their parent's sexual orientation. With these unearned privileges, I …show more content…

When walking in public, holding my partner's hand, hugging my partner, and ever kissing my partner in front of others, I felt without disapproval, comments, laughter, harassment, or the threat of violence. This is also an invisible privilege I am empowering from daily life. Similarly, I do not ever have to justify my identity, my life, or my sexual orientation to people who think I should not exist. The sense of an outsider leads not wanting to explain oneself thus nobody will understand the fact that everyone exists for a purpose. Again, I feel secure that few hate crimes are targeted at people like me because of our sexual

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