Pros And Cons Of Kneeling For The National Anthem

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The National Anthem Starts playing the players hit the ground kneeling one by one. At least 1% of the league’s players don’t lock arms, they get a hand on their shoulders in support. (Branch) If more than 1% of the football players start kneeling there will be controversy between the blacks, whites, armed forces, and most importantly the nation. NFL players should not be kneeling during the National Anthem because protesting against police brutality should not protesting the flag. First of all, kneeling the National Anthem is an ineffective and, counterproductive way to promote a cause. Knelling for the National Anthem isn't going to change anything besides lowering the rates on TV and getting negative comments online. Football coach Dabu Swinney said "I don’t think it's good to be a distraction to your team. I don’t think it's good to use your team as the platform." Patti Armstrong States that" you don’t get respect from showing disrespect." Philadelphia Eagles support the protest but disagree with the way he did so. Kneeling for the National Anthem is not a proper way to protest police brutality for colored ("Refusing"). These are some of the few reasons kneeling for the national anthem is an ineffective way of protesting. In addition, kneeling is disrespectful to …show more content…

Protesting is our first amendment, but showing disrespect against the American Flag is not what Kaepernick is protesting about. He is protesting about police brutality against blacks. By doing this it is going to get him and others nothing, and kneeling is an ineffective way to protest. Kneeling for the National Anthem disappoints the people who have served for Keapernick” s freedom to protest. This is why kneeling for the national Anthem is not a good way to use your First

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