Pros And Cons Of Football Players

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There are few people in today’s world that choose a profession with many risks to their well-being. These jobs come with huge responsibilities, life threatening risks, but also life changing rewards. Police officers and firefighters put their lives on the line every day to keep the people of the world safe. Soldiers in the military also give up their lives to fight for our country knowing that they could lose their lives to protect others. These men and women know the risks of their fields and still choose them as their professions because they love what they do and want to make the world a better place. Football players are another example of people who have a job that could seriously affect them physically and mentally. Getting hit the wrong …show more content…

They grow up playing a sport that they love and are fully aware that there future is on the line. The few that become professionals are paid high amounts of money to play because of their superior skill set. There are a lot of injuries that come with playing the game and most players have gone through some sort of injury at one point in their career. Injuries are an unfortunate part of the game but the sport shouldn’t be banned because of recent serious injuries to professional and young players. Football players know the risks to their health and thus should be allowed to play the sport without any additional rules or equipment modifications.
Football is a sport with constant collisions, hard hits and exciting plays. A game where the toughest players and teams separate themselves from the rest. Every player from the professional level down to youth leagues knows that you have to be tough to be a successful player. The game comes with injuries, some more serious than others because of the intensity and hard hits from every player. Playing football comes with the knowledge of possible injury and every player knows what their getting into. Early in the 2013 NFL season, many former and current …show more content…

The NFL for example has a system set up that helps active and non-active players recover from injuries and gives them benefits. In an article about helping injured pro players, former pro Junior Seau, talked about the leagues help after his career was over. He was asked about what the league did for his injuries, Seau said, “From a benefits standpoint, they’ve created a bunch of stuff on the players side for retired players, as far as neurocognitive studies and research, where it costs you nothing to go see these specialists” (Crow). The NFL gives there players not only a free, but effective way to treat different sorts of injuries that they may get along their careers. Players have resources to handle their particular injuries with professionals that can help make their careers as long as possible. Injuries are still a serious part of the game but with help from the league and doctors the players can still play without having to ban the game. The NFL also created the NFL Players Care Foundation, an organization helping retired players adjust to life after their careers and dealing with long term injuries. The organization’s goal in helping players is stated on their website saying, “The NFL Player Care Foundation (PCF) is an independent organization dedicated to helping retired players improve their quality of life. PCF addresses all

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