Pros And Cons Of Dsm

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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which can be abbreviated to the DSM-V, is the primary source for identifying and classifying mental disorders within people. Inside of the manual, all of the mental disorders are listed in categories depending upon the subject, making it easier to navigate through the book. In general, the DSM-V is the source most commonly used for identifying a mental disorder within a patient. While the DSM-V has its pros, there are also several cons when using the manual. Firstly, while the DSM-V lists criteria for all mental disorders, in order to be diagnosed, a patient must meet at least five of these specified traits or behaviors. While this can be helpful in understanding the basis of a patient's abnormal behavior, …show more content…

What stigma-plagued people of society need to realize is that having a mental disorder is not a personal choice, nor is it something that someone can control. In addition to this, a person with a mental disorder, depending on how mild to severe it is, can easily migrate back into society with little to no issues. Another good way to reduce some of the stigma in society is to teach the important of education concerning these mental disorders. Unless one takes a psychology class or plans on entering the psychology field, the chances of people having heard of these mental disorders is slim to none. It is often difficult for people to relate or empathize with something that they know little to nothing about. Organizations and rallies about mental disorders not only raise awareness, but help people in society to gain a better knowledge of these disorders. A person who knows nothing will understand nothing, which is where the basis for stigmas begin to appear. With the proper education and social awareness about these disorders, the stigmas in society can be vastly

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