Pros And Cons Of Corn

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This highly influential and informational documentary about corn is told and experienced by two college friends Ian and Curt. These two best friends move from the east coast straight to the heart of their food’s location, the Midwest. Through the help from helpful neighbors and genetically engineered seeds they plant and produce their own crop of corn on just one acre of Iowa soil. After their attempt to follow their corn into the food system of America they wonder about the food we eat and how we farm. The two meet with the man who changed farming in America forever, Earl Butz and learn more than they ever thought they would about one crop. After viewing this documentary to the best of my ability I have learned numerous facts about corn and its pros/cons. Corn is stored in a silo and when an overflow occurs mountains of corn are made outside of the silos. This corn grown in the Midwest is in almost all of the food in every supermarket ranging from steak sauce to syrup to lasagna. Majority of its use is as a sweetener in the form of corn syrup or high …show more content…

Throughout the entire film I was absorbing new facts and information not only about corn but about the history of our agricultural society, its uses, and who had hands in changing the way we farm. Ian and Curtis’s interview with Earl Butz was the most exciting and interesting point in this film. Butz is one of the most influential people in America’s agricultural history by taking a small industry and creating one of the largest in the world. His switch to a more commercialized farming changes the way we eat and farm for the rest of history. Hearing the story of the old way of farming as compared to the way it is done today is unbelievable and even more remarkable from Earl Butz’s point of view. Butz’s story truly spoke to me because he understood how farming was and how it will never be

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