Proprietary Estoppel Case Study

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Land Law Coursework It has been generally acknowledged that the doctrine of proprietary estoppel has much in common with common intention constructive trusts, i.e. those that concern the acquisition of an equitable interest in another person’s land. In effect, the general aim is the recognition of real property rights informally created. The similarity between the two doctrines become clear in a variety of cases where the court rely on either of the two doctrines. To show the distinction between the doctrines, this essay will analyse the principles, roots and rationale of both doctrines. With reference to the relevant case law it will be possible to highlight the subtle differences between the doctrines in the cases where there seems to be some overlap. Three key cases where this issue surfaced were the following: Lloyds Bank Plc v. Rosset (1991), Yaxley v. Gotts (1999) and Stack v. Dowden (2007). This essay will describe the relevant judgements in these cases in order to show the differences between the two doctrines. Lord Denning described estoppel succinctly as ‘a principle of justice and equity. It comes to this: when a man, by his words or conduct, has led another to believe in a particular state of affairs, he will not be allowed to go back on it when it would be unjust or inequitable for him to do so’ . Proprietary estoppel in turn is an informal method by which proprietary rights can arise. It can provide a defence to an action by a landowner who seeks to enforce his strict rights against someone who has been informally promised some right or liberty over the land. In turn it can be used as a defence or a cause of action. In order to show how the two doctrines are quite similar, a description of the elements of proprie... ... middle of paper ... ...rence Etherton). The evidentiary requirements for the two concepts are different and it can be said that the constructive trust is more difficult to prove. Furthermore, depending on the facts of the case coupled with statutory provisions, either of the doctrine may prove to be more relevant in order to achieve the general aim that was identified at the beginning of the essay, which is the recognition of real property rights informally created . Bibliography Martin Dixon (2012) Modern Land Law. Oxon. Routledge Hilary Delany (2009) – Is there a future for proprietary estoppel as we know it? Dublin University Law Journal Terence Etherton (2008) – Constructive trusts: a new model for equity and unjust enrichment. Cambridge Law Journal Patricia Ferguson (1993) – Constructive trusts – a note of caution. Law Quarterly Review

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