Proposal on Means of Improving Studying Conditions for Students: I Propose the Study Table

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Studying has been extraordinary for me for many years now. I define studying by sitting on the bed (Indian sit) and slouching my back against the wall with the notes positioned near my crossed legs. After a few minutes, I began to lie down which eventually forces me to stop studying and just rest. I would wake up after two hours of rest since I’m unconscious of the time; only to think that I wasted a lot of time. Therefore, I wasn’t able to finish studying and get things done. What I did was an improper way of studying – Studying on the bed. Our level of concentration depends on our studying position. We are unable to focus if we are in an awkward position like lying supine on the bed which makes me feel sleepy and lazy. This has been my problem regarding my study habits. Studying requires a comfortable, quiet, and distraction-free environment. Whenever I stay on bed, I tend to relax more than study because the bedroom is not an appropriate place for studying. Nevertheless, it is meant for entertainment and recreational purposes. As a student, I have a lot of school works to be done at home but sometimes I’m incapable of giving my best because I lack concentration when studying. I am proposing the idea of having my own study table inside our bedroom so that I would be able to get away from bad study habits that has been bothering me all throughout my student life. II. Technical plan To study more efficiently, I would want to study on a study table rather than on any other place so that I could get rid of unnecessary things and habits that affect my manner of studying. A study table will keep my things organized and help me foster my study skills so that I can do my best in all my school works. Also, it will help prevent exp... ... middle of paper ... ...nnecessary things that are not significant to my schoolwork so that I could only prioritize my studies above anything else. It matters a lot to me because I would be able to overcome bad study habits, which roughly affects my grades especially on school papers for I cannot think thoroughly upon sitting or lying on the bed. More importantly, you could also take advantage from this proposal in two ways. First, you don’t have to worry about my education since I’ll be motivated to finish studying all my lessons and accomplish all the papers on time without feeling lazy especially now that my course demands a lot of writing. Second, you could save money too since I’m only appealing for the alternative of hiring a carpenter to build a study table so that it won’t cost much of your budget. I hope you would consider my proposal for education means a lot to my future.

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