Prometheus And Zeus Research Paper

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The Greeks believed that the artist was either superior to other men or was poser and not trustworthy. This belief meandered from the Greek mythology. According to legend, the Titan Prometheus was commanded by Zeus to create men. Prometheus did as he was commanded and formed man. When he completed Zeus’s order, Prometheus found that he loved his creation. Out of love for man, Prometheus gave him fire from the sun. This enraged the gods and they accused Prometheus for stealing because they were the rulers of the sun. They then cursed Prometheus for his deliberate act against them and sentenced him to eternal agony. Due to Prometheus’s act, the gods despised man and were jealous of his creativity. Out of their hatred of man, the gods made woman so that she would bring misery to man, in which she did by opening the forbidden box of Pandora. This legend caused the Greeks believed that creativity was a stolen treasure from the Gods. This lead to a dichotic view of the artist. The first view was that the artist was superior to all other men. Having creativity meant that the artist was the most like the gods, which meant he had a high knowledge. Therefore the artist was to be revered. …show more content…

In Genesis 1:27 the Bible records that God created man in His image and in in Genesis 1: 28 God commanded man to “fill the earth and subdue it.” Man was to rule over the earth. Man’s ability to be creative is reflects God’s creativity and when man invests in his creativity he is able to fulfill God’s command to rule over this earth. Creativity may not seem to fit the definition of rule, however being creative has much to do with ruling. God reveals his power in His ability to create the whole world with mere words. Likewise, man, though in a less significant way, rules through his creativity by materializing his intelligent thoughts through

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