Profanity Test

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The topic of this test conducted was profanity, my group agreed to divide the test by testing UHD students and people around social media. College students as well as people in social media tend to curse in their everyday lives, my group's test would prove us if both genders and age affected the amount of profanity used. Many students around campus curse but do not realize how much they curse in a day, we included the amount of cursing in our test between, 0-3, 4-8, 8-10, and 10+. My groups hypothetical question was the following, What curse word is most popular among young college students of both genders and why?. The part that I conducted on the test involved the following related questions that lead the whole experiment, How old are you?, Gender?, …show more content…

Maritza sat down at the lunch area for her two hour break sitting in the same spot listening to what both gender students would say. The total for all the curse words heard from females was five and for male five as well. The test was gathered as tallies marking every time Maritza heard any curse word, from both genders the curse word "Shit" was heard two times by females and three times by males. Fuck was not heard by both genders, which was very surprising based on what personal experiences heard at UHD café. The curse word "Damn" was heard twice by both genders, "Bitch" was not said by any male and but was only heard by one female. The last curse word, "M'f" was not heard by both genders. The results were converted to both of the figures shown below, in Figure 3 40% of males used the curse word "damn" and 60% used "shit". In figure 4, 20% of females used "bitch", 40% used "shit" and 40% used "damn". Notice that in figure 3 only two curse words were more common compared to figure 4 were females used the curse word "bitch" and males did

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