Proctor Essay

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1. Explain what “proctoring” means and why the UoPeople requires proctored exams. Proctoring is an event whereby a student is being supervised in an exam, the invigilator must be a person that is approved by an institute. The exam could be in a class, hall or through the internet (webcam). Student at the University of the people must take some courses under the supervision of a proctor The Uopeople requires a proctored exam to protect the integrity of the university and to avoid examination malpractice by the student in the exam. The proctor must be an official person that is approved by the university in order for the exam to be supervised. 2. What criteria are necessary for an appropriate proctor? · The proctor must be an adult, at least 21years and above. · The proctor must be ready to comply with the rules and …show more content…

Students who intend to use online proctoring service ( proctorU ) must create an account in the proctorU. The student is required to identify a proctor during the online course registration that requires a proctor with the following information. First and last 434name, Email address, Contact information (telephone number and place of residence), Occupation. The student who intends to use proctorU service click on "ProctorU" from the list the details has already been added to the system The proctor will receive an email from the student service with the student personal information and a code to access the final examination. Prior to the exam student are required to present a government-issued ID which must include the following personal details: Student's first and last name, Student's date of birth, Student's current photo. The student is required to contact the proctor if the email has been received and have to communicate with the proctor about the date, time and location of the proctored

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