Procrastination Informative Speech

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What do you call someone that puts everything off until the last minute? Lazy, not motivated, procrastinator, all of the above? Well, it honestly depends on the person because different people act in different ways for different reasons, and their personality takes a huge role in that. Is procrastination a mental illness? Is it a disease? Is it a disorder? I believe it is a psychiatric matter. I wouldn't, however, go as far as calling it a disorder because we all do it. It's the extent of how bad it is, is where it gets complicated. Why does procrastination come up? What really causes people to not care and just let everything go south? Also, something to think about is their story and life right now. Meaning it depends on the specific person and their mood or even how they deal with stressful situations. With being a procrastinator comes a lot of things, stress, everything piling on top of you, never being able to accomplish anything on time, never having time to do anything else because you're just trying to finish one thing to be able to move on to the next thing. I'm telling you, the few times I have procrastinated I hated it. I was up really late struggling to …show more content…

2017 it's my senior year of high school and I surprisingly have not caught senioritis… yet. In fact, I actually see myself stepping up and really going full throttle. I did my senior project mentor hours over the summer and got them done completely. So when I got back in school all I had to do was my powerpoint, compose a folder for my panel members, and then present. I did, in fact, do just that and even months before the due dates. I presented Oct 21st and passed! Not only that I also finished my CRLS, now all I have left to do to graduate is two writing samples and pass the rest of my classes for this year. I feel really accomplished and proud that I was able to get it done and done correctly, plus now I have one less thing to stress about to get my

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