Process Analysis Essay On Photography

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When you are taking a photograph you are capturing a memory so that it can be remembered forever. These days everyone has a cell phone and most of those cell phones have cameras that are capable of taking very nice photographs. However, they are only capable of that if the person who holds the cell phone has a basic knowledge of photography. You can’t expect a good photograph if you just point and shoot. Overall, there are three main aspects that the individual needs to be aware of and adjust accordingly to before snapping the picture: lighting, background, and the position of the subject.

The first aspect that you need to take into consideration and adjust to before trying to capture an image is lighting. The word for photography is derived …show more content…

How many times do you look at a photograph and the subject is smack in the middle of it? This may be a great photograph but you could make it look so much better by taking the rule of thirds into consideration. The Rule of Thirds has you mentally split the scene into nine equal squares with two vertical lines and two horizontal lines. The rule states that you should place your subject on or around one of the four points of intersection. It is a simple yet effective way of focusing the viewer's attention on the subject while adding depth to the image. A good example of this is when you are photographing a dog. If the dog is looking left than it should be placed on the right side of the photograph. This way the viewer will first look at the dog and then look at the left side of the photograph to see what the dog is looking at. However, there are other ways to lead the viewer's eye around your photograph. Trailing lines are lines, whether they are natural or human made, that extend from a corner of your image and gradually grow farther and farther away. Your eyes will “trail” throughout the image while following these lines. The most common example of this is a road. The road would seem very wide at the base of the photograph but as it continues farther into the distance it becomes narrower and narrower until it is only a dot on the horizon line.This is an smaller aspect of photography that can not always be used but when it can be you should take advantage of

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