Problems Faced In S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders

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Most people may think that rich kids don’t have any problems or as as many problems as poor kids, but both have many problems. In S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders, at first it appears that only greasers have problems, but then it is revealed the cool, sophisticated socs also have issues. Darry, a greaser, can’t go to college because they don’t have enough money and he has to work so he can keep taking care of his brothers. A soc named Cherry Valance that thought Ponyboy was nice, but told him that if she sees him again, she won’t say hello because she couldn’t let anyone see her with greasers. In The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton’s characterizations of individual Greasers and Socs reveal that both rich and poor kids face problems and feel trapped …show more content…

In the text, Ponyboy writes about “Johnny’s father being a drunk and his mother a selfish slob, and Two-Bit’s mother being a barmaid to support him and his kid sister after his father ran out on them, and Dally turning into a hoodlum because he’d die if he didn’t, and Steve’s hatred for his father coming out in his soft, bitter voice and the violence of his temper. Sodapop… a dropout so he could get a job and keep me in school, and Darry, getting old before his time trying to run a family and hold on to two jobs and never having any fun” (Hinton 43). This shows that people like greasers don’t have any good role models. This is important because how role models act help children decide important decisions, and if they have bad role models they might make bad choices. When Johnny told Pony and Dally he was going to turn himself in, Dally replied, “You sure you want to go back? Us greasers get it worse than anyone else.” (Hinton 87) This is because greasers are known as hoods. This is important because that is why Johnny wanted to run at first. Greasers have many troubles, such as they don’t have good role models and they are judged …show more content…

In “Anger over Probation for Rich Teen in Drunk Driving Crash That Killed 4”, Dr. Gary Buffone, a psychologist, stated that “children — generally from richer families — have a sense of entitlement, are irresponsible, make excuses for poor behavior, and sometimes dabble in drugs and alcohol”. Buffone’s point is that rich kids think they deserve special treatment, aren’t responsible, and might do drugs or drink. This shows that rich kids want attention. Randy told Pony that Bob “Kept trying to make someone say ‘No’ and they never did.” “That was what he wanted. For somebody to tell him ‘No.’ To have somebody lay down the law, set the limits, give him something solid to stand on. That’s what we all want, really.” (Hinton 116). Basically, Randy is saying that Socs want limits on what they can do. This shows that wealthy teens have affluenza because they want their parents to say “no”. Rich kids have also have problems, and try to get their parents to set limits by being

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