Problem of Obesity in Developing Nations

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Obesity is a pertinent issue in both developed and developing nations. The study regarding the psychosocial dimensions of obesity is the focal point of established theoretical and experimental attempts. Overweight in children and young people is linked with a set of emotional and social issues. It may include poor school and social performance, low self esteem, peer teasing, societal persecution, low body esteem, low quality of life and several faulty neuropsychological functioning. While the community samples of obese adolescents usually do not demonstrate eminent psychopathology, clinically referred obese young people illustrates marked depression, behavioural problems, anxiety, eating disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. This essay examines possible reciprocal relations between common mental disorders and obesity, and to consider whether such a relation exists. This review also aims to broaden the scope of knowledge of nurses about several prominent issues of obesity in practice. Physical dimension can make difficult even the most basic nursing interventions for overweight patients. The areas which may create major nursing concerns are general assessment, skin care, resuscitation measures, respiratory challenges, intravenous access, altered drug absorption and immobility. As the pressure within the skin folds in overweight clients is high and it is sufficient to cause skin breakdown, atypical pressure ulcers are formed. In obese clients catheters, tubes and drainages can tunnel into the skin and soft tissues. Changing the position is another complicated concern for obese patients who are confined to bed. Use of a blood pressure cuff which is too small or attaching the cuff as one to attempt to make it fit w... ... middle of paper ... ...nursing care needed for the physical and emotional requirements of obese patients. Irrespective of the aetiology of a patient’s obesity, nurse’s best serve the heavier client when there is a perceptive of the complex clinical requirements of the patient. An interdisciplinary team that meets on a regular basis to discuss patient care issues is crucial for recognizing clinical apprehension in an appropriate manner with the goal of preventing the widespread, expected, and avoidable complications related to hospitalization. Mental health factors contribute to the commencement and maintenance of overweight and obese status in children, adolescents, and adults. Assessment of these mental health aspects and treatment by one of several mental health treatment models may not only improve self-esteem but also weight loss and preservation and eases the safe practice of care.

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