Probiotics and Prebiotics

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The digestive system is a compellation of organs that process foods consumed by humans. Our digestive system is made up of the stomach and intestines. These organs work simultaneously to break down food into smaller molecules so the body can extract nutrients and then turn it into waste. Since our digestive system constantly comes in contact with various foods, it also becomes an active site for growth of bacteria. Our digestive system contains astounding amounts of bacteria, which are both beneficial and dangerous. Beneficial bacteria help regulate acidity in our stomach while other infectious bacterial organisms such as E.coli disrupt the digestive system. For instance, if a cow contains E.coli bacteria and meat from that cow is consumed it begins to form bacterial digestive infections. When this occurs the intestinal normal flora is no longer functioning properly and causes irregularities in the body.

Intestinal normal flora is essential for forming stool, synthesizing essential vitamins, and maintain immunity. The normal flora can be thought of as the microbial fingerprint of our intestinal tract. Each specific bacteria found in the gut has a specific purpose. For example, the colon; which makes up most of the flora, is made up of good bacteria which maintains the health of your colon and fights off the bad bacteria that can cause constipation. When infectious bacteria disrupt this function we can become very ill. By consuming prebiotics and probiotics the digestive system will be able to function properly and aid in preventing bacterial formation; which results in a happier and full functioning digestive system.

Prebiotics are non-digestible foods that are beneficial in helping to stimulate bacteri...

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