Pro Poor Tourism Essay

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1.1Introduction. Pro-Poor Tourism is about changing the dispersal of benefits from tourism in favor of poor people. It is not an unambiguous product. It is not the same as ecotourism or community-based tourism, nor is it limited to these callings. Any kind of tourism can be made pro-poor. Pro – Poor Tourism can be applied at different levels, at the enterprise, destination or country level. (Pro-Poor Tourism Partnership 2005a: 1). Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries, outranking allowances and even drugs in many countries as a source of foreign exchange, but the impact of tourism on the poor and on the environment remains under debate as the abstract also states, Certainly many suspect that tourism does more harm than …show more content…

The tourism industry, it is argued, offers an ideal avenue through which poorer countries can open up to the benefits of globalization. There does seem to be significant potential to deliver more benefits from tourism to the poor, as tourism is a significant or growing economic sector in most countries with high levels of poverty(Scheyvens, Regina'Exploring the Tourism-Poverty Nexus', Current Issues in Tourism, 10: 2, 231 — 254.) However this ‘poverty consensus has been disapproved because it tends to overlook important environmental, social and political issues,the pro-poor development paradigm is considerably restricted in its premise of economic growth as the foundation …show more content…

For poor countries and small island states, tourism is the leading export often the only sustainable growth sector of their economies and a catalyst for many related sectors. It can play a key role in the overall achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. (World Tourism Organization,

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