Privilege In Our Society

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According to Wikipedia, “Matrix of Domination is a sociological paradigm that explains issues of oppression that deal with race, class, and gender, which, though recognized as different social classifications, are all interconnected (Wikipedia). There are countless social problems that affect the each person physically and mentally. Most people wake up and within the first twenty minutes of getting ready, they look in the mirror. The most common matrices of domination are gender, race, and social class. This is because we see the separation between people because of these. What if you weren’t happy with yourself because you had been called harsh names because of your gender, race, or social class? Some people wake up and do not feel accomplished because of the strain our society has embedded in our minds so we think and act a certain way. Each matrix of domination is obvious each and everyday, we may just not even think about it.

Gender inequality is present in the workplace, school, and other public environments. Peggy McIntosh, wrote a checklist about privileges for men that woman lack. If a man does not get a promotion in the workplace, it is not because of his gender. If a man does not succeed in his job, he is not seen as a failure to all men. When people hear that a man does not want to have children, it is not a selfish decision. The author includes that men are unaware of the privileges they have because they are able to walk into a boardroom and not feel out numbered. Imagine one day if eighty percent of the Hewlett Packard team members were woman. Every top paid corporate officer was a female and every man had to report to a female manager. The environment would be significantly different than it is today. The article ...

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...Mar. 2014.

"Female Privilege." Feminist Critics. N.p., 8 June 2008. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

McIntosh, Peggy. "The Male Privilege Checklist." Alas a Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

"Michael Kimmel: On Gender (Clip)." YouTube. YouTube, 19 Feb. 2008. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

Rehnstrom, Kyle. "Racial Salary Discrimination in the NBA: 2008-2009." University of North Iowa College of Business. N.p., 2009. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

"Types of Social Classes of People." Types of Social Classes of People. Cliff Notes, n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

Wikipedia contributors. "Matrix of Domination." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19 Jul. 2013. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

Woods, David. "Equal Pay? Not on the Basketball Court." USATODAY.COM. USA TODAY, 19 May 2012. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

Woods, Jewel. "The Black Male Privileges Checklist." N.p., 2008. Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

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