Private School Case Study

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An analysis of a case study shows that learning may be enhanced through attending private school versus public. The study is done on a twelve year old boy [nicknamed] Baha who displays interest in many disciplines and yet has difficulty with attending classes and getting higher grades. Through his experiences of learning in both public and private schools, Baha has seen both negatives and positives of the methods used by the respective schools. In The Anti-Education Era: Creating Smarter Students Through Digital Learning, James Paul Gee presents an argument that criticizes the current state of formal and institutionalized education. Shakespeare’s Henry IV also features teaching and learning between characters, which will be used to compare …show more content…

Baha as a former student of a public school disagrees with such opinion. Public school can be fine for some kids, but definitely not for all. Baha recalls that he had difficult time in understanding subjects, how it was hard to get personal attention from the teacher. It seemed that teaching students to love learning was far less important than teaching students how to score well on the test. Students in public school were focused on memorizing textbook definitions and not actually learning the subject material to increase their knowledge and wisdom. Sure, this might result in receiving higher grades and satisfied parents, but not in enhancing learning and …show more content…

The class environment is not conducive to learning and student achievement: students who are quiet and shy hardly take up space or raise their hands to ask questions, and finally become disengaged with school and learning (B). Baha was less than sufficiently challenged to excel and develop his knowledge and skills in a larger classroom environment. While in private school because of smaller classes it's very difficult to hide or just be a number. Baha became a better student thanks to teachers who were very qualified and experts in their fields, and many had master’s degrees. Because private schools often have selective admissions processes, they are able to choose students who are highly motivated. Many private school students want to learn and that creates good class environment. Because private schools don’t have to follow state laws about what to teach, they can offer specific programs. Many private schools also offer specialized programs in areas of interest to the student, such as arts, music, or sports. Private schools also focus on personal development so students emerge from school with both a degree and some great purpose for their lives and understanding of who they are.

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