Princess Mononoke Journey

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In the movie Princess Mononoke, it follows the journey of the last Emishi prince, Ashitaka, and his attempts at making peace between the human settlement, Irontown, and the creatures living in the forest that surrounds it. The start of the movie begins with Ashitaka saving his village from a giant boar god who was embodied by rage. During the fight, Ashitaka receives a demon mark on his right arm , and is cursed by the boar god’s hatred and pain. Ashitaka travels far west to find a cure for his curse. Later, Ashitaka arrives in a forest full of animal gods, including the wolf god Moro. The forest which lies beside a human settlement called Irontown continually tries to clear the forest to get to more iron ore, which causes many battles as the animals attempt to protect their diminishing forest. Sustainability and violence …show more content…

An example of sustainability is that San and Ashitaka tried to protect the forest from people destroying it. Another example of sustainability is the ape gods trying to help the forest by replanting trees to save it. Examples of violence in the movie includes a scene where Eboshi’s army fought against the Asano Clan. The fight was bloody, and included scenes where you could see severed arms and legs of the Asano Clan. Also another example of violence is the humans trying to burn down the forest and kill every god animal so that they can get more iron. Sustainability and violence are related to each other because it involves humans and how their actions affect each other. Unsustainability leads to violence and warfare because right now the resources we have will eventually run out. When it happens, people will start to fight each other to obtain those resources, and/or destroy things that are in their paths to obtain those resources. Violence and warfare leads to unsustainability because when people need resources they

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