Princess Merida In The Taming Of The Shrew

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In the play the Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare is about the lead character Katherine and how she isn’t like the average female in their society where it’s very patriarchal and women were submissive and compliant. Katherine can’t conform to listening to what anybody asks of her, especially males, which is why she is seen as a non-conformist. Similarly, in the Disney Pixar movie Brave, Princess Merida’s character is strong and independent. She doesn’t get along with her mother, whom is also queen, because she wants Merida to be a proper princess and to also find a husband; the Queen is imposing her ideals on Princess Merida, even though she has stated she doesn’t want too marry or be the perfect princess. Both Katherine and princess Merida …show more content…

The only reason why Katherine is seen as an obscene person is whenever she says to Hortensio “ I’ faith, sir, you shall never need to fear. I wish it is not halfway to her heart. But if it were, doubt not her care should be to comb your noodle with a three-legged stool and paint your face and use you like a fool.” (1.1.62-65) Anyway Katherine is pretty much setting Hortensio straight from any absurd thoughts of her and him ever be wedded together. This was very unusual for any woman to do such a thing in the time period Katherine is living in. Although Katherine was expressing her emotions its till in a vulgar; a third party in this scene and conversation would be Tranio and how he sees how Katherine interacts with a male suitor was shocking. Tranio had said “Husht, master, here’s some good pastime toward. That wench is stark mad or wonderful forward.” This quote expresses a way of how Katherine is far from society standards unlike her sister Bianca who says “Sister content you in my discontent— Sir, to your pleasure humbly I subscribe. My books and instruments shall be my company. On them to look and practice by myself.” (1.1.82-85) The entire speech pretty much sums up how Katherine is supposed to act; someone who is willing to stay calm and agrees to whoever the male figure is in her

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