Essay Comparing The Taming Of The Shrew And 10 Things I Hate About You

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We see the girls in both “The Taming of the Shrew” and “10 Things I Hate About You” become very close to a boy, but for extraordinarily different reasons. This coincides directly with the idea that marriage was arranged during the time of Shakespeare, and now it is typically a mutual relationship between two people. By looking directly at each girl's reason for getting with a particular guy the evolution is particularly evident. Katherine in “The Taming of the Shrew” is not happy when her father tells her that she has to marry Petruchio, but she does not have a choice. It is the exact opposite with Kat’s father in “10 Things I Hate About You”. At the beginning of the movie he states that Kat and Bianca are not even allowed to date, but then changes it to Bianca can when Kat does. Therefore, Kat gets a choice of when and who she would like to form a …show more content…

However, it is the the effects of each of these situations that allow us to evaluate the two as a whole. Although Kat’s emotions go up and down about Patrick nonstop throughout the movie, in the end she is much happier than she was before she met Patrick. Similarly, Katherine ends up stating how submission has “made her heart great”, implying that she is content with the situation, but she does not appear to be truly happy with Petruchio. She is aware that she has no choice in regards to submission, and that her life will be better if she just accepts it. Thus, Katherine’s happiness is superficial as opposed to Kat’s which is real. Also feminism did not exist until the 19th century, so during the time of Shakespeare Katherine and Bianca did not even think of the idea that they could have a choice when it comes to men. Marriages were arranged, and that concept was accepted for many centuries,In fact, Katherine and Bianca are not even considered to be citizens because they

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