Princess Bride Essay

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Princess Bride, a love story involving action and revenge, is a 1987 film, directed by Rob Reiner. A major theme that drives the story is true love. For example, Buttercup, the daughter of the owner of the farm, would order around Westley, a farm boy, because whenever she asked him to do something, he always replies, “As you wish,” which was his way for saying I love you. Soon enough, Buttercup realized that she loved Westly back. Unfortunately, they had no money together and couldn't get married, so one day Westley decided that he was going to go on a journey to America to get more money. Although it would ruin the story, I feel like it would have been better to have Buttercup go with Westley.

5 long years after, she found out that her love, Westley, had been invaded by Dread Pirate Roberts, a pirate that never leaves a survivor. Buttercup agreed to be the queen of Florin, when the King, Humperdinck, proposed to her. I don’t think that she ever loved him and but she just married him for the money, but maybe she's trying to get over Westly. I don't like how she married the King, in the movie King Humperdinck s a selfish and jealous man and Buttercup doesn't deserve that. Throughout the whole story, Buttercup never comes to love the King.

When Westley left buttercup, he left with the words, …show more content…

Inigo Montoya, a very skilled sword fighter, and Fezzik, a big and strong man, go on a quest with each other to revenge Inigo Montoya's dad, by killing the man who killed his father, the 6 finger man. They realize, that in order for the plan to work, they need the man in the black, Westley, and when King Humperdinck takes 50 years from him, Westley’s dying cries are so loud that everyone in the village could hear it. Inigo Montoya knew it was the cry of the man in the mask and come rushing to his help. Once they get together and bring back Westley’s life with witchcraft, the create a plan to help each other

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