Primavera Analysis

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Lillian Zirpolo interprets a painting done by Botticelli called Primavera in chapter 5. In her interpretation she explains the different women in the picture and why they are in the picture. She mentions that since marriages during that time were arranged the women was expected to be with the man regardless on her feelings of him. Women were not considered equal during the time period. It was also common during that time for women to be raped to keep society stable. "Thus, the image of the rape of Chloris by Zephyrus depicated in the Primavera served to instruct the bride to submit to her new husband for the sake of order,stability, and the continuation of the race, or in this case the Medici family" (106).During the time period of the Renaissance the womens role in the family was to reproduce healthy children. Zirpolo stated that the Primavera could be considered a warning to men on how their wives should act. …show more content…

In her interpretation of the painting she informs the reader that the two women in the picture are in fact the same woman. In the painting it is the woman on the left is before marriage and the woman on the right is as a wife. In this interpretation Goffen has shown that Titian doesn't always show women as just objects. "For Titian, humanity (male as well as female) was defined by sexuality, not merely by gender, and human sexuality was interpreted as a potent, positive quality ventral to the individual's identity and a concomitant of her (or his) personality" (112). Titian showed more understanding of women in his paintings but still believed they needed to do their role of being there for their husbands with what they need and for raising the children. Goffen also points out that it is not the normal wedding picture since it doesn't include a couple. The only male in the picture being a little boy instead of the

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