Pride In Milton's Paradise Lost

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Some things don’t stay in hell. The touch of Lucifer plagues the unholy doctor’s heart. Like all humans, born to sin, Victor Frankenstein digs his own hole into hell. William Hazlitt’s lecture on Milton’s Paradise Lost clarifies the essence of Lucifer, Satan in the text, as a being of pride and willpower, not malignity and chaos. Frankenstein, possessing the same traits, seeks to become a god of his own. However, he cannot stop fate. The troubled mad man could not help playing God; Frankenstein’s pride will prove to be his own damnation when the horrendous creation rips apart his Eden. Lucifer is embodiment of pride and zeal, and man—like his eldest brother—follows instinctively. Unable to respect or obey God’s ruling, Lucifer falls from …show more content…

Upon giving into his obsession, Frankenstein manages to stay afloat on the river of madness. He succeeds in avoiding drowning, with pride, his life jacket, and his boat, desire. However, he reaches the end of the river. There, over the river, hangs a monstrous waterfall. Frankenstein abandons his desires and jumps ship. The only thing that keeps him alive is his pride and inability to accept the horror of his zealous obsession. However, this is also the key to the door leading to the razing of his Garden of Eden. The bitter hate towards his creation assists Frankenstein’s inability to swallow his pride. He refuses to realize that the end does not always justify the means. Yes, Frankenstein did become God, able to create life. However, his means were villainous and vile. Machiavelli does not have hold here. Ultimately, humans are creatures of sin, and transitively, their nature proves similar. An aspect that stands out is pride. Like Lucifer, Victor refuses to surrender to the antagonistic entity, unable to accept the bare reality. Lucifer is unable to bow down to humans, and Victor to the Creature. Humans are power hungry and prideful creatures, their will unopposed. But Lucifer of Paradise Lost is also a being of pride. The father of pride, in essence. Human and demon alike, Victor and Lucifer use pride to ignore the negative consequences of their choices and the actions of their

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