Pride In A Dystopian Society

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Pride is seen as the evil in the human. It's seen as the entity of all human error. The utopian goal is to remove this mechanisms which causes struggle to find ones inner peace. In Utopias, there is no crime, no wealth, no social class(in most), and injuries normally leading to death. This creates the so called perfect society that many long for but, can't achieve. With pride comes jealousy and with jealousy there is built up hatred waiting to erupt like a volcano. These are not only some of the bad things that utopian societies attempt to get rid of but life isn't truly worth living without some of these emotions. But life isn't meant to be lived without emotion or human error. Everyone makes mistakes we learn from them, well not in a utopian …show more content…

Morals that Katniss and Tris had in common they were both afraid at first but eventually became stronger and bolder. They both suffered many hardships between the beginning to the end of the trilogies. They both were seen as role models for not only their factions but all of the factions. Katniss with the blue jay and Kris with her confidence the two are the role models of those who long to be …show more content…

The two are intertwined. Peace is impossible or is it? What if life was an illusion, the world shall never know. Many people ask themselves these questions. The perfect world isn't in utopian societies it's the one everyone lives now. Sometimes bad things happen and people go through the struggles, but life continues to go on they learn from it. Life may seem like a rotten apple but they are always new ones ready for the picking. Utopian and dystopian are either of them actually possible? The world changes everyday so does the government, and as people the earth we get closer and closer to living life like not in Wall-E. Maybe there's an outbreak like in World War Z or I am Legend, someone will always try to fight the higher power. That's the human way not only in reality but in these so called idealistic or hellish places created within the mind of a dreamer or coward. Was Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Had A Dream" speech actually a utopian society that he envisioned within his mind. Many people still suffer from inequality today, but his idea got the wheel rolling a little on its way into the society we know today. Thank you Martin Luther King jr. for standing up for what you believed was an act of a cruelty. Thank you for allowing us to be who we are, wherever we are, when we want to. Utopian literature traditions are the inspiration for the country we live in to

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