Pride And Envy In The Count Of Monte Cristo

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Ever since the beginning of time, people tend to do mistakes, even if it’s intentionally or not. But the thing is that people are very reckless regarding decision making which cause different major and minor reactions towards the environment such as wanting to have revenge as what the main character in the movie of “The Count of Monte Cristo” wants, as well as the pride and envy felt by the opposing characters. There are many reactions which we can feel or encounter in our lifetime, even so, we have to be more careful enough in doing such things so that we’ll not regret it for the rest of our lives. Things like this can affect us so much which is why we have to make things the way it should be like what happened in the movie. “The Count of …show more content…

It is not good to haul your fellowmen in danger or do bad things to them if you don’t want chaos came rushing back on you and to the people important to you sooner or later than you’d expected. It is also hard to accept defeat because we all know that it’ll crush your pride out of your entire existence but we also know that it is one of the ways in which we can actually experience or feel acceptance and true happiness to what is and what’s not. Even so, I saw that the antagonists in the story didn’t realized it sooner and that their enviousness and plans have actually didn’t worked for an ignorant and feeble creature like Edmond Dantes whom had a very huge pot of luck hanging around with him. Yes, he’d managed to have some bloody and absurd kind of revenge over to those who’d done terrible things to him; sure you can also have revenge like he did but it will not do you any good because it’ll eat all your Christian values and standards and it’s like you’re putting yourself in a place where you took judgment in your hands all of a sudden where it shouldn’t

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