Pre-Tribulation Research Paper

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The timing of the Rapture in relation to the onset of the seven years of great tribulation is controversial. There are three primary points of view as to the timing of each. The Pre-Tribulation view is that the Rapture occurs before the tribulation period starts. The Mid-Tribulation view is that the Rapture occurs during the middle of the tribulation at the 3 1/2 year mark. The Post-Tribulation view is that the Rapture does not occur until after the seven years of tribulation. In Last Call for The Church, I will cover biblical prophecies, as well as the parallels to ancient Jewish wedding customs in the Pre-Tribulation view, because I can not imagine why God would want believers to go through a horrendous and unimaginable time that is described as being a time of great crisis. Think about that for a moment! Why would believers have to go through this awful time that is coming? Where is the reward for keeping the Commandments? Why would the church have to suffer like everyone else? God does not want us to suffer through this terrible time that is to come, and that is why He will send His Son like an ancient Jewish bridegroom to rapture us. The apostle Paul tells us in …show more content…

You will gain an understanding of the mystery of why "only the father knows" the precise time of His Son's return. Again, it is the intensity of all of the signs that makes us aware that the frequency has increased, just as it is with the contractions of a woman giving birth. It will be the birthing of something new that has come to full term for the Earth to

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