Power Of Quotes In The Film 'Dead Poets Society'

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One of two things are going through your mind right now. You could either be thinking “Why is this girl on a chair?” or your body could be covered with goose bumps as an entire film flashes through your mind, as you remember the moment where Todd stood up on that desk and showed Mr Keating that his students cared about him, that he changed their perspective on poetry and inspired the class in a way that no one else really could.
If you haven’t seen the film “Dead Poets Society” what just happened might seem a bit confusing to you. That is what I am here to talk about today. The fact that one single line could invoke so many feelings in a person who has seen and loves a film shows us the power of quotes themselves.
Quotes can create a sense of unity and friendship among people. For example, you enter a new classroom on the first day of university and say “Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas …show more content…

Let’s say you’re in a class of people the same age as you. Let’s say that this age is 18. Nowadays, you know that most people your age have read Harry Potter. You want to make friends. Your pencil has just fallen onto the floor.
“AVADA KEDAVRA!” you yell, in your most dramatic voice.
“Did… did you just cast the killing curse on your pencil?”
Your heart drops. Your one opportunity to seem ‘in with the kids’ has disappeared. You couldn’t even remember that you should’ve said “Accio” in order to magically lift your pencil towards you. You move away and live as a hermit for the rest of your years.
Of course I am being dramatic, but if you had said accio, the whole class could have giggled and began to discuss favourite scenes and which book is your favourite and why. You could have made yet another friend and became part of that community in your school. But you misquoted the most basic line from the movie and now everyone sees you as a fake

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