Power In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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How does one get power? Does it depend on where they come from? Or do they need to earn this power? All around the world there are people that have higher power than others. Most of the time people earn this power from hard work over the years. Sometimes people are in power because they have the skills to lead others. There is times that people crave power so it turns them into someone you don’t want to be. Others somewhat accidental fall into the power not even meaning to. Whatever the case may be power is something that a lot of people are brought to serve. David Spitz says, “In every society known to man, some men exercise power over others. Some issue commands that others are expected to obey.” It doesn’t matter what community or society there is going to be some person that has higher power over the others. There are three ways the Lord of the …show more content…

This is one of the power ideas that is within the novel, and is used to control the people within it. Jack is the type of person that just wants to be in charge of people, so he tells a lie to get the other kids to follow him. All the kids listen to him because he says he knows how to defeat it or conquer the monster. In reality there is no monster, Jack just wants everyone to live under his control and his rules. Jack even goes this far too actually kill another human just so they wouldn’t ruin his chance of controlling the other kids. If there was no monster the kids wouldn’t listen to Jack therefore he wouldn’t be in control. Patrick Reilly says, “Lord of the Flies, by contrast, is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature.” That just goes to show that we as humans will do anything to be in control. We will kill others just to keep the power we have and if someone tries to take it anyway from us they will die too. The nature of humans will change if any of these are broken or in

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