Power And Dominance In Hamlet

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As human a person can’t survive by himself. He need to interact with another person at some point and these interaction leads to development of different relationship. The play Hamlet shows these different relationships throughout its plot. The play is about a prince, who tries to take revenge on the king after losing everything when his father dies and he uncle and his mom marries leading the uncle to become the new king. In this play Shakespeare elicits the power and dominance one can have over another in relationship through the use of pun and double language. First example of the power and dominance that a person can have over another in relationship is show in the conversation between Polonius and Hamlet. In this conversation Hamlet states “You are fishmonger” which Polonius takes to crazy drivel, but Hamlet actually use “fishmonger” to insult Polonius. The double meaning of “fishmonger” is that it can mean to a fisherman and it could also mean to the lowest of the low. By using double language hamlet is able to insult Polonius without him knowing. Another example is when Hamlet says “Let her not walk i' th' sun. Conception is a blessing, but, as your daughter may conceive—Friend, look to ’t.” This quote tells how Hamlet might get Ophelia pregnant so Polonius should keep her away from him. Though the use of pun of
This can be seen in the interaction between Hamlet and Polonius in which hamlet continuously insults and makes fun of Polonius. In the conversation Hamlet tells Polonius how he should keep Ophelia away from hamlet before he gets her pregnant. He also states how he is a “fishmonger” or the lowest of the low and he is lacking in intelligence because he doesn’t understand the true meaning of Hamlet’s words. In this Puns and double language makes the words take a whole different meaning then

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