From being one of the most prosperous countries in sub Sahara Africa, Zambia has experienced a sharp decline, a crush, of its economy, which has had a great adverse impact on the quality of 10 million people.
The decline started with the rising oil prices of the mid 1970's, which coincided with the drop in world copper prices being the mainstay of Zambian economy. The droughts which were experienced in the early 1980s have persisted into the 1990's and their impact has contributed to the decline in agriculture production. Liberalization and structural adjustment programme (SAP) of the economy denied the faming community access to markets both for agriculture inputs and for sale of produce and this has in many areas reinforced the tendency towards declining production. In addition, SAP has led to increase to unemployment and living hood insecurity, due to the retrenchments in public service and mining.
This essay will first begin by defining poverty in the Zambian context and proceed to give a background of how Zambia arrived at this definition of poverty. The essay will then outline the poverty situation in Zambia today and will focus on the issues of Health, HIV/AIDS, Education, Women and Children, Rural Poverty and Urban poverty. The last part of the essay will focus on the causes of Poverty and what measures can be taken to reduce absolute poverty for the poorest.
Zambia today is one of the poorest nations on earth and ranks as 156th out of 174 countries in terms of poverty (Jean Shaoul, 2002). The impact of poverty can be seen by the appalling to social conditions that are found in both rural and urban areas of Zambia. The gravity of situation is that more with more lives are being lost due to hunger, sickness a...
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... from debt relief, from outright cancellation debt of called for by jubilee Zambia, will be the availability of funds for rising living standards of the 70% to 80% of the Zambia people who are poor.
Jean Shaoul(2002):Poverty and Backwardness made in London and Washington: Zambia.
J. T. Milimo, T. Shilito, K. Brock (2000) The Poor Of Zambia Speak, Zambia Social Investment Fund (ZAMSIF).
Jesuit Centre For Theological Reflection(2004): Jubilee Zambia Says: We want Debt Cancellation and Poverty Eradication,
Kaunda Lembalemba, Energy and Poverty In Zambia(2002): A strategy for Survival.
Robin P., and Neil P.,(1977): The Roots of Rural Poverty In Central and Southern Africa, Heinman Education Book Ltd, London
Zambia Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2002)
War on Want (2002): Working on the Margins: Informal Economy Workers In Africa
Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries, ranking 160th out of 182 countries on the Human Development Index. Malawi has extremely low life expectancy and high infant mortality which couldn’t be controlled yet. It’s one of least developed nations in the world; however, some of improvements have
Poverty is not just an issue reserved for third world countries. Instead, poverty is a multifaceted issue that even the most developed nations must battle
Everyone knows what the word poverty means. It means poor, unable to buy the necessities to survive in today's world. We do not realize how easy it is for a person to fall into poverty: A lost job, a sudden illness, a death in the family or the endless cycle of being born into poverty and not knowing how to overcome it. There are so many children in poverty and a family's structure can effect the outcome. Most of the people who are at the poverty level need some type of help to overcome the obstacles. There are mane issues that deal with poverty and many things that can be done to stop it.
Poverty can be defined in many ways. Some consider it an issue caused by the lack of ambition in certain individuals. On the other hand, many also consider it to be an issue caused by outside forces such as class, education, and economic conditions. Essays by Lars Eighner, Anna Quindlen, and Jonathan Kozol all touch base on poverty and what it means to be in poverty.
Dr. Noah Zerbe is a professor and chair of the department of politics at Humboldt State University in California and someone who has spent time in both South Africa and Zimbabwe. Dr. Zerbe goes in depth into the factors that surrounded the 2002 famine in Africa, where 14 million Africans were on the brink of starvation. The Malawi president, just a season before the famine, sold off all of Mal...
Poverty is an ever-growing problem throughout our modern world, with millions living in its extremes. There are many consequences of poverty and the way they affect children and family life is absolutely detrimental. Poverty can be simply defined as “the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions” (Encyclopedia Britannica 2014). There are two distinct variations of poverty – absolute poverty and relative poverty, which will be further discussed throughout this essay. The total number of people worldwide who live on less than $2.50 (the bare minimum of the poverty line) is 3 billion (Global Issues, The Human Development Report, 2012). According to many, there are a varied number of consequences for those who live in poverty, especially children and families. The effects of poverty have proven to have detrimental effects on child development and the nature of family life. Saunders (2005) reiterates these factors of poverty in his book “The Consequences of Poverty”. This essay will state the many aspects of poverty and the detrimental effects its holds within child development, family life and the health of indiviudals.
The overriding challenge Uganda faces today is the curse of poverty. Poverty, ‘the lack of something”(“Poverty.”), something can be materials, knowledge, or anything one justifies as necessary to living. Associated with poverty is the question of what causes poverty and how to stop poverty? The poverty rate in Uganda has declined from the year 2002 from the year 2009, which shows the percent of residents living in poverty has decreasing. Yet, the year is 2014 and the poverty rate could have drastically changed over the course of five years. One could assume the poverty rate would continue to decrease, which would be astounding and beneficial, but does poverty ever decrease enough to an acceptable level or even nonexistence? Poverty is a complex issue that continues to puzzle people from all across the globe. Poverty could possible be a question that is never truly answered.
African nations regularly fall to the bottom of any list measuring economic activity, such as per capita income or per capita GDP, despite a wealth of natural resources. The bottom 25 spots of the United Nations (UN) quality of life index are regularly filled by African nations. In 2006, 34 of the 50 nations on the UN list of least developed countries are in Africa. In many nations, the per capita income is often less than $200 U.S. per year, with the vast majority of the population living on much less. In addition, Africa's share of income has been consistently dropping over the past century by any measure. In 1820, the average European worker earned about three times what the average African did. Now, the average European earns twenty times what the average African does. Although per capita incomes in Africa have also been steadily growing, and poverty falling, measures are still far better in other parts of the world, such as Latin America, which suffers from many of the same disadvantages that Africa has.
Poverty extends out over all continents, making it the most widespread negative factor. Out of the world’s 2.2 billion children, approximately half live in poverty according to UNICEF. Poverty claims approximately 22,000 children’s lives per day. This statistic illustrates the struggle children that live in poverty must face in order to survive. Poverty is a root cause of hunger, disease, and lack of shelter. It is concentrated in pockets in areas such as South Africa and South Asia. Children, who must...
According to a survey conducted by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) (2014) on the poverty profile in Ghana between the years 2005 and 2013 the Ghana Living Standard Survey reveals, that one-third of the population of Ghana are poor and one-tenth are extremely poor. To assess this fact, GSS used conditions such as
Over one billion people are living in poverty, lacking safe water, housing, food, and the ability to read. There is a high concentration of communities in poverty in Africa; particularly Central Africa. States that are considered in Central Africa are the following: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Republic of Africa, Chad, Equatorial Guinea and the Congo. The majority of these Central African states’ economies are dependent on agriculture. As a result of this dependency, natural disasters, droughts and wars can displace subsistence farmer from their land resulting in poverty becoming even more prevalent and harder to come back from. Also with a history of dependency on farming there tends to be the trend of education not being a primary focus for the youth which is another factor into the stagnant poverty trend in Central Africa.
Growth in Africa is not enough for its people to grow, which is leading to poverty and hunger in Africa. Today Africa is one of the leading countries having poverty and economic problems. One half of the Africans live below the poverty line which leads to low human development in Africa. The main cause of poverty in Africa is a problem in its economic system and environmental factors. Because of poverty people of Africa remain hungry as they don’t have enough money to buy their food and their basic needs. Some of the African countries have less poverty rate than others due to good government and economic system in those countries. Most of the African is facing challenges to survive and keep their family healthy.
SO"Types of poverty." Zanzibar Poverty Reduction Plan (ZPRP). Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar’s, n.d. Web. 13 Nov 2013. . URCE:
Poverty is a global epidemic that contributes to the deaths of millions each year. However, poverty is more prominent in some areas around the world than others. The Oxford dictionary defines poverty as the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support, but it’s so much more. Poverty can be defined as being hungry, lacking shelter, being unable to go to school, being unable to see a doctor, or being powerless and having a lack of freedom. The reason behind the many descriptions of poverty is that poverty has many faces, and its definition changes depending on the place and time, however the effects of poverty on the poor are always the same.
Poverty is one of the greatest problems facing South Africa and it still remains very high. The following content will discuss Poverty. A brief overview of Poverty in South Africa will be discussed and the effects it has in South Africa. Education in South Africa will be discussed briefly, in terms of its issues. A description of how poverty influences the different business environments (micro, macro and market) of businesses in education will be discussed.