Poverty: Inequality In The United States

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Joyce is an eight year old girl that lives in Tanzania, one of the poorest places in the world where there is a high risk for abuse and developing aids. The amount that a man makes is about $6 a year. But if the help of Compassion, Joyce would be able to receive medical care, supplies for school, and most importantly teaching from the Bible. Poverty is an injustice that has been around for forever. Three billion people of the world's population are surviving off of only $2.50 a day. These people live without amenities that most American teenagers take for granted liking clean, running water and electricity. Not having clean water causes many disease like diarrhea. Over million children’s deaths are caused by diarrhea. Data from UNICEF shows that over 20,000 child die because of poverty each day. Much money is raised for developing countries, but every $1 received $25 go to the repayment of the country’s debt. Over the past 20 years, …show more content…

Most believe in order to end poverty the issue of inequality must be handled as well. But many other social and political issues must to solve in order to fix inequality. Many people don’t understand that even the wealthiest countries’ poor live in poverty worse than the developing countries. The United States is known as the land of opportunity, but currently is one of the worst places in the world to escape poverty. “Interestingly, the US and UK are the biggest proponents of neoliberal economic ideology, which has often played down concerns about inequality and instead focused more on raising the lot for everyone” (Shah). The middle class of the United States has slowly diminished. “The US for a long time has had the largest gap and inequality between rich and the poor compared to all the other industrialized nations” (Shah). To end inequality there must be an increase in job opportunities and education which will reduce the income difference

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