Potato Pete Short Story

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We trembled around the crackling campfire as our uncle told us the story of Potato Pete. He was a mean old man that used to live by a field close to where we were now. He hated almost everything, but the thing he hated most was when kids drove past his field. They were way too noisy and always littered in his field. One day, Potato Pete decided to do something that would keep those kids away from his field forever. He went to the store and he bought a huge sack of potatoes. The next time they drove by, he would be ready for them. The kids went for a drive that day and when they went past Potato Pete’s field they were laughing and chatting as usual. Then they heard a noise that made them fall silent. Boom! Something had just hit the car right above their heads. They out the windows but couldn’t see where the noise had come from. Boom! They had been hit again, now on the side of their car. Boom, Boom, Boom! They could see the potatoes now; they were flying from everywhere. The kids drove away as fast as they could, all the while being pelted by potatoes. They never came back by Potato Pete’s field again. Legend had it …show more content…

But it was just a story, wasn’t it? The next day I woke up without a worry on my mind. I fought with my siblings about who got to eat the last powdered sugar donut. Being the youngest, I obviously lost. As soon as we were done with breakfast, my cousins and I ran over to the lake to go for a quick swim. When we got back I heard that we were going to go for a ride through the country side. All of my cousins piled into the back bed of an old, beat up pickup, but me and a few of my younger cousins were told that we had to sit inside the cab of the pickup because we were too little. I was disappointed that I didn’t get to sit by everyone else. I was old enough, wasn’t I? I grumbled about having to sit in the cab to my dad, but he still wouldn’t let me sit in the

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