Positive Change In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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“For never was there a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” - William Shakespeare. This line was said at the very end of the play to show that there were alot of things that happened throughout the story. In this essay it will be discussed how the characters changed throughout the story. Shakespeare suggests that in his play, Romeo and Juliet, it is illustrates that young love can often lead to bad decisions that have a negative impact not only on themselves but also on society.

Juliet started off being a young girl who did what her parents asked of her but as the story went on it started changing so did she. She showed a lot of positive changes throughout the story. One big positive change that is illustrated in the story
Juliet changed him into a better person not only by stopping him from progressing from girl to girl to stick with her. Also Romeo reveals how happy Juliet makes him, even though they barely knew each other when they claimed they were in love. This first appears right after they met and how Romeo is walking around with joy and spotting her in the garden, not being able to resist but to talk to her. But like any story there were thing that changed for the worse in him. Romeo started getting into a lot of first with the kids on Juliet's side of the family. This is displayed best when he gets into a fight with tybalt and by accident kills him. This resulted in him being banished from the city of verona, which tore him away from his one true love.

Lord capulet the father and leader of juliet's family. In the beginning of the story he displayed the feud between him and the montagues. The best way it is displayed how he has changed for the better was when the feud ended because the connection between romeo and juliet when they died brought them together. Which made him a happier and less hating person. Throughout the story it does show how he became more negative before he because happy. For example, when he said he would disown Juliet if she did not marry paris. But he ended up changing for the better even though it did not turn out like he wanted it

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