Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games

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A significant amount people in the U.S. play video games, the video game industry is growing every year. However, this form of entertainment, has both positive and negative effects on children. One positive influence of gaming is that video games have shown to help children improve their manual dexterity and computer literacy. In addition, when a video game rewards its players for helping others or building a town, kids happen show pro-social manners in their daily existences, according to a 2014 study by Douglas Gentile, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Iowa State University. In regards to education, video games serve as an excellent teaching tool.
Negatively speaking, studies show that video games that have violent content lead to increased aggressive behavior. The popular video games of today contain violence they reward players for killing police, prostitutes, and …show more content…

Facts dictate there are decent notional reasons to presume a percentage of the population is more impressionable to violent video game effects than some, however investigative study has not yet verified this. Just as there is no reliable verification of the statement that young children are further negatively influenced than young adults or teens or that women show increased influence over men. There have been various findings that exceedingly aggressive people are further prone to influence than nonviolent individuals, however this conclusion does not steadily occur. Momentary exposure to violent video games even affect nonviolent people without fail. Increased research will most likely find some meaningful moderators of aggressive video game effects. The longer research study on TV violence has established such findings and the fundamental methods are the same. However, even the bigger study has not identified a considerable population that is absolutely insusceptible to the undesirable effects of media

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