Pope St. Gregory The Great Essay

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In the words of Pope St. Gregory the great, the Pope is “the servant of the servants of God”. The Pope is devoted to serving the people of God by doing three things; interpret God’s word by teaching, protect God’s words from heresy, and pass God’s word to every generation. Many non-Catholic Christians do not understand this role of the Pope, thinking that the Pope is a result of a twisted hierarchical system the Church created in a desire for power. Chapter seven of The Enduring Faith & Timeless Truths of Fulton Sheen by Dr. Mark Zia shows that the Pope wasn’t an invention of early Christians, but that, “by the direct will of God, the apostle Peter was made the visible head of the Church and was entrusted with the authority of God to teach, govern and sanctify the Church until the Second Coming” (Zia 75). This authority is clearly seen given to Peter in Matthew 16:18, disproving that the idea of a pope was invented and showing that Jesus gives Peter this role in the Bible. Sheen tells us the origin of the title Pope, …show more content…

God can write straight with crooked lines and will use whoever He calls to be Pope to bring the clergy and lay people closer to Him. We’ve had Popes in a low spiritual state, but even they have taught truth of the faith. Fulton Sheen said that he “think[s] bishops are strong only when they are united with the Holy Father”, since even the least holy of Pope have taught the infallible truths of Christ (Zia 82, quoting Treasure in Clay 244). When the Bible seem to make no applicable since, the lay people can always look to the Pope to lead us to Christ; whether he was Pope Pius XI, who risked his life to protect the innocent after World War I; or Pope Leo X, who sold indulgences; both had the ability to interpret God’s word to the society they lived in by teaching, protect God’s words from heresy, and pass God’s word to every

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