Ponyboys Violence Analysis

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Violence is one of the important themes which link up the whole story. It is a clue of the story which strongly impacted Ponyboy’s identity when Darry slapped him, Johnny killed Bob and Ponyboy use a broken bottle to defend himself. Hw gradually changed his mind to violence after the rumble. Violence is the easy and convenient way to the problems. Violence has a strong impact on Ponyboy, especially when Darry slapped him. Darry can not hold his emotion that he use violence to express his fury when Ponyboy got hoe at 2.00 am: ‘Darry wheeled around and slapped me so hard that it knocked me against the door’(Hinton 50). Ponyboy was surprised that his brother treat him in violence way. He never feels carrying and understanding from his brother. He was also beat up by Socs in the streets. Violence was everywhere even his home where he used to think was safe snd warm. Darry was accustomed to being violence. Ponyboy thought Darry was the model that he is going to be in the future because he is the oldest at home. Meanwhile, Darry was so strong that Ponyboy adore hime very much. It makes Ponyboy try to take in this abrasive way. Therefore, the violence environment causes Ponyboy to gradually change his mind about violence. …show more content…

Ponyboy and Johnny was bullied by Socs. Johnny killed a Soc who shaved Ponyboy’s face into the fountain: ‘I killed him’, he said slowly, ‘I killed that boy’ (Hinton 56). Pony boy received attack from Socs. Johnny killed a people to save him. Otherwise, Socs may probably killed Ponyboy and beat Johnny up with their blade. After this case, Ponyboy realized violence is the best and only way to protect himself. It is unnecessary for him to keep humanistic while everyone else were violent. Therefore, Ponyboy believes violence is the most convenient and useful way to protect him from

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