Political Satire Show: Parks And Recreation

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Parks and Recreation is a political satire sitcom about a Parks and Recreations department in the city of Pawnee, Indiana. Many of the events portrayed in the show are based on real life ones, and the cast has moments where they perform “interviews” with invisible, non-existent cameramen (mockumentary-style). To go along with this show’s style, the focus would be Pokémon Go in 2016. To best understand the relationships between the characters at the stage they would be in this episode, the best episode to watch would be Season 5, episode 9 (Article Two). Cold Open Leslie Knope walks into the Parks Department office, only to discover Jerry Gergich on the ground unconscious, a broken coffee cup nearby and Tom Haverford hiding under the coffee …show more content…

However, when she visits the park to see all the people is angered that literally everyone there is staring at their phones. Doing her homework, she discovers that Pokémon Go is a gaming app that allows the player to go out into nature and walk around catching little creatures called Pokémon or hatching them from eggs by walking. Trying to better understand the obsession, she asks that everyone in the department download the game. Jerry accidentally downloads a virus and spends the rest of the episode without a phone; Ron Swanson refuses to use an iPhone, and thus cannot play on his flip-phone. Ben Wyatt enjoys the game, having played Pokémon games in the past, and sets out to try to convince Leslie that there are worse things. Andy, trying to understand the game, throws his phone at a squirrel and asks, “How many points is that worth”. Leslie goes through the week barely playing, but growing more and more attached until by the end of the week is no longer focused on anything but the game, shirking her duties as a councilwoman by actually playing at her desk (she of course is not alone, Councilmen Jeremy Jamm and Bill Dexhart also play and wear hats with their team symbols). Eventually Ben, Ann Perkins and April have to work together to wean Leslie off

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