Political Power In The Demon King

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The first book in Cinda Williams Chima’s Seven Realms series, The Demon King, takes place in a world teeming with its own social issues. One such topic that is prevalent in the book, is the conflict between the different political powers in the queendom. The main character, Raisa, also battles with the role she is expected to fill as the heir princess and what it means to be of the royal line. Readers can also see the familiar pattern where winners shape how history is perceived, often skewing what really occurred. The political dilemma that takes place between the wizards, clan folk, and the people of the Vale shows how social classes can distrust others, attempt to have authority over the rest, and are significantly weakened through their …show more content…

This is mainly seen through the story of the Demon King, the art surrounding it, and how certain families are still in power after the event surrounding the Demon King. The story of the Demon King was passed from one generation to the next for quite a long period of time. Every little child and grown adult knew the story. However, what really happened is quite different from what was passed on. People only know as much as the surviving witnesses of the event want you to know. Thus the phrase, “winners shape history”. This twisting of perspective is also shown through the art of the Demon King and the events surrounding him. When looking at the painting The Demon King in Madness, Han notices the dark tone in which it was painted in, and later learns that the person who painted it belonged to the Bayar family (an important foreshadowing). In reality, The Demon King was a very talented man by the name of Alger Waterlow, not some demonized wizard. Certain people however, wanted someone else to take the blame for the horrible events that happened, thus making him appear as a malicious monster. As expected, the winners of this story still show a presence thousands of years later. Taking a peek at the last of the book of the series, readers find out that the Bayar family contributed to the cause of the Breaking (a catastrophic event that almost ruined

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